Saturday 6 March 2010

Finally, spring!

A hellebore, the first thing to flower other than primroses.

Ha ha, pigeons! Try eating my purple-sprouting broccoli now! I disgracefully left these unprotected all winter and the pigeons took a great fancy to them. What with that and the weather, they're in a bit of a sorry state. I have belatedly netted them...

Likewise the fleece has come too late for winter protection, I was very remiss, but is there now to provide a bit of catch-up protection, and shelter from the pesky pigeons.

The grapevine, pruned. Not that I really know what I'm doing, but it's supposed to fruit on year-old wood, I think, so I left plenty of branches from last year. Not too many, I hope? Many thanks to the Lone Hunter - the landlord next door, who provided such an unsociably high fence, for me to fasten the vine against. His poor tenants won't get much light in their garden, but I think my grapevine will be very happy.


  1. It's nice to see you back. Those pigeons will certainly take any brassicas they can get their beaks on if they aren't netted. Hopefully your plants will recover.

  2. Its so great to see you back and blgging again. I look forward to reading about your gardening adventures of 2010.

  3. Hi peeps! Yes, lesson learned - netting and fleecing this year! The pigeons weirdly ignored everything in my garden, till the middle of winter. I thought I'd got away with it, but no...
